segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2018

1st Academy's research HIV Virus

Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, June 19, 2013.
1st Academy's research HIV Virus
The research academy tends to work more intensively the information that has already been discussed above raise more dynamic and advanced.
                          From: Gilmar Junior Almeida de Brito
                           (E-mail: Contradioxidodecarbono@yahoo.com.br)
"Folguem and rejoice in thee what I seek thee say constantly as love thy salvation be magnified the Lord" Psalm 40:17

                         Studies of HIV Virus in 2D
In exponential Zones Enzymatic if results of two values ​​of a binary sequence.
                        Simpler Variant:
 BIN1 = X1 = [Vr PotN + * + # + Dmt CgPon] = VMT (+0 +7)
          X2 = [Vr * + PotN-Dmt Pon * Cg +] = H2O
Resulting that the X1 is the actual value of the actual zone of Flu virus and X2 e'o value of actual zone that is absorbed water as this in its variant, the information center is modified signs of Dmt and Cg * Pon.

Graph 1. It is noted that the zones when they absorb water from the patient's blood, it was infected with the virus, it is more concentrated than the actual zones.
                                AIDS virus in 2D
Transforming the graph 1 previously mentioned line to radar, wins the next point shown in Figure 2 below.

                                     Anomalies of the HIV virus

This anomaly is constant in all existing viruses, but doing this function in the treatment of the HIV virus:
                Point 14 ----- 33 water
      Point 14 ------ 24 real value x = 1.37 x water
                         In paragraph 14 +9 water
          Simple calculation of the actual variant Tasting
          9/1, 37 = 6.56 (Variation Segment)
           9 --------- 6.56
           24---------- x x = 17.49 +6.56 = 24.05

           9 --------- 6.56
           33---------- x x = 24.05
By adding the result of the actual value with the segment variant arrived at the same result value than the value for water, thus closes the variant.
The segment of the variant is the actual value at 10 ° Zone enzyme and the amount of water at 14 ° Zone enzyme.
         10 ° antibodies are disabled (early) 1%, 1.5x multiplication of substance B, C substance doubling, doubling substance E, 1.5x multiplication substance F.
14 ° Duplication of substance B, doubling substance D, E sextuplicação the substance;
                CHEMICAL bases of substances in use of HIV
A = B = CH OH NH C = D = F = AE = CH 2 CHO H = BG = B = C = D = A
NH = 10 ° 1.5x, 2x OH = 2x = CH2, NH = 14 ° 1.5x 2x = OH, 2x CH = CH, CH2 = 6x
                           Joining the molecules:
                       NH = 10 ° 3X, 2X = OH, 2x CH = CH2
                          Difference is the variant:
                     3x = NH, = OH 4x, 2x CH = CH, CH2 = 8x
                  Difference is the segment Variant:
                               Not expressed
             Difference variant + variant difference segment:
                                 3x = NH, = OH 4x, 2x CH = CH, CH2 = 8x
               45 +68 +26 +112 = 2x 251G + NaCl H8C3N3O3
That is, the abnormality of the HIV virus is E2X NaCl + H8C3N3O3.
 This is the virus has contact with blood, the salt is passed to the blood. The effect of the virus salt passes into the blood as it would be equal to a consumption Four sachets 5g, increasing blood pressure.
         The H8C3N3O3 not have carbons in your structure, because this substance would be like a "pacifier" to pull energy from the blood and carry the enzymes of the virus, then it is N5O4.

The N5O4 more than a pacifier becomes a key to open the way into the blood. She has no Hydrogens in its function, the antibodies come in contact with nitrogen, breaking them prevents the virus load to pull its structure thus making your functional deactivation in blood.

But as every key needs a degree to get into the lock and turn it to open, turn on the N5O4:
 46g in 149 ---------- 5 °
            134g x = X --------- 435.5 / 100 = 43.55 °

The N5O4 is a function not isolated, but the actual switch has carbons, and makes carries the remainder of the enzymes that were not stored in that pacifier were thus becomes H8C3N3O3.

Measuring the degree of rotation:
        46--------- 194.5 °
        134----------- X X = 566.58 / 100 = 56.58 °
° 56.58 * 6.56 = 371.82 -180 = 191.82 °
The HIV virus turns into real 191.82 ° which shows that he seeks a region, but intense in the body to stay.
                                Size of the HIV virus
The virus has length 17.49 +24.05 = 41.54 x1, 37 = 56.90 X10-Rad 10m, (this result is not standardized, as found in electron microscopes and scanning MeV).
The HIV virus has surface 56.90 * 1.37 = 77.95 x10-11 m, (this result is not standardized, as found in electron microscopes and scanning MeV).
The HIV virus has a density of 773 / 44.58 = 17.33 1 x10-x10-1g (this result is not standardized, as found in electron microscopes and scanning MeV).
The HIV virus has x10 volume of 44.58 mL-1 (this result is not standardized, as found in electron microscopes and scanning MeV).
* These data will be analyzed in the second research academy of the HIV virus, which are studied in 3D, it has another variant that does this function.
Conclusion Bottom
      1st Academy research
                                           The HIV virus.
The academy seeks information that has not been discussed in the phases of the study and at the beginning, or were dropped. The stages are just a base area of ​​relationships and discussions, generalizing all the information of viruses and compared with other studies.
                                     Final Conclusion
The HIV virus has studied 2D functions important for its function in the blood at initial contact, the study of anomaly and its variant segment and indicates that the function of the dummy and actual key substances are responsible for putting in the blood, Charging power for the virus, enriching its enzymes and causing infection.

First God for sending me this mission to study about the HIV virus, the support of friends of the family, the school teachers statewide Teotônio vilela the incentive to seek always the best of us, to support the Butantan Institute, the ombudsman Mr. Alexandre Henrique and laboratories, to Laertes / UFU - Laboratory for energy storage and treatment of wastewater for supporting the encouragement of research, that God will protect them forever.

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