sábado, 3 de abril de 2021

Eliminating Cold Storage; Does Hot Weather Cause Salmonella? Electron Puddles


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January 09, 2017

Feature Article

New Nanoparticle Discovery May Eliminate Cold Storage for Some Tests

Storing and testing at any temperature

A team of engineers have developed a protective coating that could completely eliminate the need for cold storage and change the scope of medical diagnostic testing in places where it’s often needed the most.

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Feature Article

Researchers Engineer Gene Pathway to Grow Brain Organoids with Surface Folding

Implications also for understanding Zika virus-caused microencephaly

One of the most significant ways in which the human brain is unique is the size and structure of the cerebral cortex. But what drives the growth of the human cortex, likely the foundation for our unique intellectual abilities?

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Management Tips

What's Your Communication Style?

Communication is not simply the external circuitry of words transmitted from your mouth to others’ ears, but rather an internal reverberation of thoughts between your mind and your heart

People are polarized by their tendency to see communication as a battle: somebody wins, somebody loses. It seems to be forgotten that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. And if you can’t get comfortable floating in the fluidity of humanity, communication is sunk.

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White Papers and Application Notes

Evaporator Technology for Academic Science Departments

Looking for evaporator technology that suits the specific needs of your academic lab?

The EZ-2 centrifugal evaporator from Genevac is used by hundreds of university and college groupsworldwide to concentrate or completely dry samples. Benefiting from a suite of pre-programmed methods, the EZ-2 evaporator has proven particularly popular in multi-user academic environments.

Click HERE to learn more

Feature Article

Hot Weather Not to Blame for Salmonella on Egg Farms

New findings offer further evidence that hygiene in the supply chain and in the kitchen is critical to reducing food poisoning

New research shows there is no greater risk of Salmonella contamination in the production of free range eggs due to hot summer weather, compared with other seasons. Despite a higher number of cases of Salmonella poisoning from eggs during the hot summer months, researchers say egg production itself is not to blame for the increase.

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Feature Article

Electrons "Puddle" under High Magnetic Fields, Study Reveals

By observing the behavior of these electrons, scientists could gain a better understanding of material behavior

Olympic figure skaters and electrons have a lot in common. In figure skating competitions, the "free skate" segment gives the skater the flexibility to travel in whichever pattern he or she chooses around the rink. Similarly, in metals, electrons in outer orbitals can wander fairly freely.

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Shopping for a New Pipette?

Choosing the Best Pipette for Your Application

Know what features and options to consider when purchasing a new pipette

Linda the lab manager and her team examine some of the features to consider when purchasing a new pipette for your lab in this Lab Manager video sponsored by Thermo Scientific.

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Feature Article

Faster (Cheaper) Method for Making Big Bioactive Ring Molecules

Chemists have developed a method that produces cyclic depsipeptides in a single step with high yields and in unusually large sizes, ranging up to rings with 60 atoms

Ring molecules called cyclic depsipeptides play an important role in living organisms. Microbes make them as part of their chemical arsenal for attacking competitors and they have proven effective as antibiotics, anti-retrovirals and pesticides, among other applications.

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CO2 Incubator Resource Guide

Laboratory CO2 incubators are used to grow and maintain cell cultures and are available in a variety of sizes and types. With a wide variety of sizes, jacket types, and options available, choosing a CO2 incubator that suits your current and future needs can be a daunting task.

In this resource you'll find:

  • Questions to ask when purchasing a new CO2 incubator
  • Maintenance tips
  • Expert advice on set-up, care, and techniques
  • Featured products and new offerings

Download your FREE eBook

On Demand Webinar – Available Now

Looking Through the Glass: Delamination of Pharmaceutical Vials

Although glass is generally regarded as a durable, inert material, delamination of the interior surface due to interaction between the drug product and the glass surface has been widely reported, resulting in multiple recalls.

This webinar will focus on microscopical analysis of the interior glass surface, and how changes following an investigation can help a manufacturer improve the quality of the product on the market.

Click here to register for this FREE webinar

Feature Article

Open-Source Plant Database Confirms Top US Bioenergy Crop

Researchers definitively establish that Miscanthus is 2.4 times more productive than switchgrass in the U.S.

Scientists have confirmed that Miscanthus, long speculated to be the top biofuel producer, yields more than twice as much as switchgrass in the U.S. using an open-source bioenergy crop database gaining traction in plant science, climate change, and ecology research.

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