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How Do Snowflakes Form?


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May 16, 2017

Feature Article

Uncovering the Answer to an Age-Old Question: How Do Snowflakes Form?

Research sees ice crystal formation in new light

More than 400 years ago, renowned mathematician and scientist Johannes Kepler speculated about the creation of one of nature's most angelic and unique shapes: the six-sided snowflake. Although atoms would not be discovered until over two centuries later, Kepler openly pondered about the microscopic building blocks that lead to the ice crystal's hexagonal formation.

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Cold Storage Resource Guide

Freezers and refrigerators are an integral part of any laboratory that requires temperature controlled storage

Maintaining samples at an optimal temperature while in storage is vital for many lab professionals and this makes choosing the right freezer or refrigerator a crucial task. While the average kitchen freezer operates at about -20°C, laboratory variants have a much wider range of options depending on the storage conditions needed.

Download your FREE eBook

Feature Article

Sniffing out Stem Cell Fates in the Nose

Using single-cell RNA sequencing and clever statistical analysis to track stem cells as they mature

Adult stem cells have the ability to transform into many types of cells, but tracing the path individual stem cells follow as they mature and identifying the molecules that trigger these fateful decisions are difficult in a living animal.

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Lab Health and Safety

Disinfection Dilemma

Appropriate care using sporicidal disinfectant is essential to prevent dangerous exposures and injuries

The class of liquid sporicidal disinfectants are popular non-bleach disinfectants used for clean rooms and biosafety cabinets. Since their introduction, liquid sporicides have become one of the products of choice for many biological research and production facilities wherever high-level microbial control is critical.

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Is it Time to Replace Your Water Aspirator?

Find out the real costs of using a water aspirator for vacuum production

Linda and her team examine the costs of using a water aspirator to produce vacuum in the lab in this Lab Manager video sponsored by KNF Neuberger.

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Feature Article

The Best Analytical Techniques for Testing Drugs of Abuse

Because drugs tend to be small-molecule structures, GC-MS serves as confirmation both for alcohol level and for most drugs

Mass spectrometry (MS) has emerged as an everyday analysis tool suitable for screening and confirmatory analysis, and in some cases it blurs the distinction between the two. Gas chromatography (GC) equipped with a headspace and flame ionization detector (FID) remain the workhorses for blood alcohol analysis.

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Feature Article

Controlling Bacteria’s Necessary Evil

Quorum sensing helps beneficial bacteria reign in their pathogenic origins

Microbiology research has long focused on species that affect humans, animals, and economically important crops. Recent advances in bacterial identification and sequencing have allowed for more and more environments, including our skin, mouths, and guts, to give up the secrets of their microbial biodiversity.

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White Papers and Application Notes

The Perfect Tool for Environmentally Friendly Cement Production

Obtain accurate and precise results

When producing cements with alternative fuels, direct mineralogical probing of the clinker and cement becomes increasingly important.

This white paper shows typical results of phase quantifications of clinker and cement along with the repeatability of these results.

Download your FREE white paper

On Demand Webinar - Available Now

Gas Generators: The Safer Approach to Your Gas Supply

This webinar discusses the benefits of onsite gas generation, compares cylinder and gas generator usage, and demonstrates the advantages of switching to hydrogen carrier gas owing to declining helium supply.

As an attendee, you will learn more about:

  • Compressor technology advancements to increase reliability
  • How onsite generation enhances safety
  • Quality compliance with onsite generators
  • How larger capacity generators can solve helium supply issues

Click here to register for this FREE webinar

Feature Article

Sugar or Protein? How Fruit Fly Brains Control What They Choose to Eat

Researchers say their findings may lead to a better understanding of hunger, cravings, and ultimately weight gain and obesity

Using fruit flies, Johns Hopkins researchers say they have identified a specific and very small set of brain cells—dubbed dopamine wedge neurons—responsible for driving the insects’ food preferences toward what they need, rather than what they like.

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White Papers and Application Notes

Evaporator Technology for Academic Science Departments

Looking for evaporator technology that suits the specific needs of your academic lab?

The EZ-2 centrifugal evaporator from Genevac is used by hundreds of university and college groups in chemistry, pharmacology, biology, natural product, and environmental science departments worldwide to concentrate or completely dry samples. Benefiting from a suite of pre-programmed methods, the EZ-2 evaporator has proven particularly popular in multi-user academic environments.

Click HERE to learn more

Feature Article

Seed Treatment with Salicylic Acid Helps the Black-Eyed Pea Deal with Drought

An ultimate goal of the research is to expand the area of cultivation for the cowpea, especially to areas with limited water

Scientists at the State University of Paraíba in Brazil have found that salicylic acid—also used to make aspirin—can help the cowpea be more drought tolerant. They focused on germination, the period when the plant is just sprouting, and early growth.

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