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Transforming How We Filter Water


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May 12, 2017

Feature Article

New Research Could Transform How We Filter Water

Water filtration with CO2 uses 1,000 times less energy than conventional methods

The research indicates that the new process could be easily scaled up, "suggesting the technique could be particularly beneficial in both the developing and developed worlds." The new method could also be used to remove bacteria and viruses without chlorination or ultraviolet treatment.

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Management Tips

Creating a Collaborative Laboratory

Reaping the benefits of a truly collaborative environment

Collaboration and cooperation may often be viewed as the same thing, but they are quite distinct. Collaboration is not something that leaders can expect to happen naturally in a work environment. Rather, managers need to interact strongly with staff in order to create a collaborative environment.

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Feature Article

A Slingshot to Shoot Drugs onto the Site of an Infection

Chemists have created a molecular slingshot that shoots drugs at precise locations in the body, triggered by specific disease markers

The molecular slingshot is only a few nanometers long and is composed of a synthetic DNA strand that can load a drug and then effectively act as the rubber band of the slingshot. The two ends of this DNA “rubber band” contain two anchoring moieties that can specifically stick to a target antibody.

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Caplugs Evergreen Slide-Fix™ Slide Jars

Slide-Fix™ Slide Jars are available empty or prefilled with 95% ethyl alcohol. The jars can be used in a variety of applications, including preservation and transport of Pap smear slides, post-surgical tissues and fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsies. Sterile versions are also available. Slide jars have a volume of 30 mL to accommodate and protect four slides.

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World’s First High-Capacity, Low Dead-Volume Reservoir and Centrifuge-Compatible Collection Plate

Automation-compatible, low dead-volume reservoir with unique features that allow NGS library pooling using a centrifuge instead of pipette tips – thus reducing your costs while providing higher recovery of precious samples.

Learn more about the VBLOK 200 from Clickbio

Feature Article

New Plutonium Discovery Lights Way for Nuclear Waste Clean Up

Recent research shows that plutonium doesn’t exactly work the way scientists thought it did

Plutonium has long been part of many countries’ nuclear energy strategies, but scientists are still unlocking the mysteries behind this complicated element and seeing how they can use heavier, nuclear elements to clean up nuclear waste.

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Feature Article

Engineered Bone Marrow Could Make Transplants Safer

A new implant gives donor cells a space to live and grow without competition, eliminating the need to wipe out pre-existing cells

Bone marrow transplants are used to treat patients with bone marrow disease. Before a transplant, a patient is first given doses of radiation, sometimes in combination with drugs, to kill off any existing stem cells in the patient’s bone marrow.

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Lab Manager Microwave Digesters Survey


Vacuum Pumps Resource Guide

Vacuum pumps are an essential piece of equipment and are used in a wide variety of processes in most laboratories

Over the past 25 years, it has become apparent that vendors have made significant innovative improvements to vacuum pumps, with important developments in high vacuum technology, corrosion resistance, vacuum control, and improvements in the efficiency and ecological impact of vacuum pumps.

Download your FREE eBook

Feature Article

Scientists Identify Chemical Causes of Battery "Capacity Fade"

Capacity fade is the reason why a cell phone battery that used to last a whole day will, after a couple of years, last only a few hours

When a battery enters “old age,” scientists refer to its diminished performance as “capacity fade,” in which the amount of charge a battery can supply decreases with repeated use. Capacity fade is the reason why a cell phone battery that used to last a whole day will, after a couple of years, last perhaps only a few hours.

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