Dear lady Brenda S. Taylor and Mr. Eric Canny and ISSS
Meet the Network Cures
First appreciate all the support of the lords and all STETSON UNIVERSITY, these documents you have received are my works carried out for more than 10 years of research in viral loads and chemistry, in 2013 I set up the network of cures containing more than 150 universities, she has a very good base of references in universities and would like your university to be part of this network, from HIV, parkinson, Flu, Dengue and cancer, research seeking cures without lies are hiding as many of the chemical society and humanity.
Important Facts Network Cures contributed:
* The publication of cyber espionage in the United States, by Edward Snowden system.
* Research by GSK SFO UK for fraud.
Objectives of the Network
Joining the maximum of universities to succeed and deliver the cures of diseases for the whole world.
* Making contacts with students from other educational institutions in various parts of the world, providing exchange of knowledge and technological innovations.
Technical Data Network Cures:
Start: August 21, 2013
resistance up: December 2, 2015
Letters sent so far: 757
Spending money (Real - Brazil): average of R$ 4,000.00
As currently worth the pouches of values NADSAQ: Average about $ 7 billion.
Next steps:
Creation of non-governmental organization of neutralizing viral loads (OSV), or the organization of security against Virus and biochemical weapons.
Promote social, academic and scientific interaction with students from other educational institutions, to work for healing and student development and global level.
OPERATIONS IN BRAZIL: Unfortunately, Brazil is more concern with the world cup que education, government not to support our research, we must remain silent for everything que happens here dictatorship did not end here, this is the best way to protest this mode of governing the country.
The government withdrew our job of our public universities and gave students at private schools, it is an injustice, many have been damaged because it gave us even more to make this network of healing.
About STETSON University: Respect and be inspired by all students and professionals who are in the institution, I would support, referrals, research the que I have sent for you because here I have work in informal employment to work in this research helps the masters Themselves were possible.
Attached sending some information about the network Cures
Sending the attached worksheet "network Cures" I have received letters.
"The cure is the disease itself"
In type certificate validation in Code1
May God always bless and keep you in your journey.
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