Contra Dioxido de carbono <>
02/20/15 às 9:08 AM
I appreciate the support , all questions and seeking news about the network of healing, is the willingness to ask, insist on responding as quickly as possible , we still have much work to ' s , and many university university to get in touch because we unite the cons empressas AZT , they will release a cure for AIDS that are its patents , our network
currently preparing to face them head forward to the mini world cup ( Cm ) allowed an ultra dynamic attack, which will stabilize from this port, today the network has completed one year and 32 days and their existence , started from the Nobel foundation of certain confidential emails from members and , since February 2013, though many have contacted many do not know which allowed the foundation and development network against cyber espionage and verficamos NSA ( National Security Agency ) entry into our network , our cell phones and e- mail system were naturally controlled by the official of the United States government , but a former - systems analyst for the CIA , recreated a new database starting our network and made available to the whole world cyber espionage system with the United States government controls the world , because the network is adapted healing in letters ( TRINFO ) on August 21, 2013 , after 20 days of network resilience , on August
1, 2013 at 15: 30 local staff , 50 Edward Snowden entered Russian territory , after receiving the Migration Service of Russia, which granted him asylum for a year in Russia , where the Cold War resumed between the government documentation .
TRINFO - Charter Created by hierarchical and strategic information systems , has three types of policies , cientficias and historical grounds , can not be taken in any way , should be standardized from beginning to end , and have a level of cientificias clamufagem confidential information .
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